So after the snow melted, it was very wet and muddy out for a couple days. Malu and her friend Mudge got to play for awhile, and decided it would be fun to dig in muddy holes filled with water! Here is the result!
Malu turned one year old on February 11, 2009. What a year it has been! I can't believe how fast she has grown and how fast a year goes by. I thought in honor of her birthday, I would put some pictures of her from one year ago, and from now. Enjoy!
*On the day she was born* *2 weeks old* *4 weeks old* *6 weeks old* *In the car on our way home from Paradise Kennels* *Sleeping hard after a long first day with her new Mom & Dad* *Chillin on the front porch*
And now at 1 year old!!! *One of my favorite things is look out the window* *Let's go Steelers!* *With my boyfriend Drake then...* *And with Drake now!*
*Can you believe it? It snowed again...and this time a lot! Mom and Dad had to take off work, so that meant they got to stay home and play in the snow with me.* *Then Dad started throwing snow at me so I could catch it/eat it!* *Now my face was covered with snow* *Dad even went over to get my boyfriend Drake, so he could come play with me. We had the best time!* *Here I am waiting patiently for Dad to get Drake* *YAY! Drake!* *Look how handsome he is - if you zoom in he looks even better :)* *Then he "Death-rolls" me* *Wow! What a fun time...I was so tired when we came inside, I had to take a nap!*