Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy 1st Father's Day!!

Although Billy has been a Father to Bogart and Malu for quite some time, this Father's Day was his first for him with our Baby Girl Olivia! Mommy and Olivia made him a special card and took special pictures just for him!

It was also my Dad's first Father's Day as a "Pop-Pop" so we made him a special card and took a special picture for him too!

It was a good day. Daddy had a roller hockey game so we went to watch him and cheer him on. Then we came home and had a nice relaxing afternoon just the 3 of us (plus the animals). Olivia even took a 2 hour nap which allowed Mommy and Daddy some much needed relaxation time. Then MomMom and PopPop came over for dinner. It was a good day!!

1 comment:

CarolnBill said...

Awwwww now those pictures look like Billy!